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All books, infographics and other material published by Ridawi Press can be downloaded for free on this page.  Permission is granted to download any RP title, share, print and even sell for profit. For corrections (in books) or suggestions, please mail us on

Arbayin Nawawi

Translation of Imam Nawawi’s Arbayin – collection of 40 hadith

Risalah fi Usul Hadith

Translation of Imam Sharif al-Jurjani’s monograph on Hadith Principles

Islam, Our Religion (volume-1)

Translation of Hamara Islam (Mufti Khalil Khan Barakati) – volume 1

Well-Known Hadith Sources

Companion Guide to the Periodic Table
of Well-Known Hadith Sources

Islamic Creed

Translation of Mawlana Nayimuddin Muradabadi’s Kitabu’l Aqayid (in Urdu)

Refulgent Treasure

Critical appreciation of Kanz al-Iyman

Prospects of Recovery

Translation of Alahazrat’s Tadbir e Falah o Najat o Islah

Sanad in Fiqh

Companion guide to the Alahazrat’s Sanad of Fiqh Infographic

Tazkirah Ibn Mulaqqin

Translation of Ibn Mulaqqin’s Manual on Usul al-Hadith

Aqidatu'l Awam

Translation of Shaykh Ahmad al-Marzuqi’s poem on Creed

Bad'i al-Amali

Translation of Imam Ali al-Ushi’s Poem on Islamic Creed

Sublime Aspiration

Translation of Imam Suyuti’s Husn al-Maqsid on Mawlid al-Nabiy ﷺ‎


The Killer Mistake

A Refutation of Nuh Keller’s “Iman Kufr & Takfir”


Noble Bequests

Translation of the Will of Alahazrat: Al-Wasaya

Minhaji Fata Morgana

A Refutation of Prof. Tahir Jhangvi of Minhaju’l Quran

Preamble to Faith

Translation of Alahazrat’s “Tamhid e Iyman”

Who is Alahazrat

A brief biography of Imam Ahmad Rida Khan al-Baraylawi

The Light of Sight

Translation of Nur al-Uyun, a brief biography of the Prophet ﷺ

Loving RasulAllah ﷺ

Translation of an excerpt from Kitab al-Shifa of Qadi Iyad

Periodic Table of Qur’an Chapters – English Symbols (Text to PDF)

Periodic Table of Qur’an Chapters – Arabic Symbols (Text to PDF)

Periodic Table of Hadith Sources (Image to PDF)

Periodic Table of Hadith Sources – No Colour (Text to PDF)

Periodic Table of Hadith Sources (Text to PDF)

Periodic Table of Qur’an Chapters – Arabic Symbols (Image to PDF)

QREF#1: Fifty Essential Aqidah Points based on Bajuri’s Risalah. Click here to download.

QREF#2: Tadhkirah of Ibn Mulaqqin in English translation. Click here to download.

QREF#3: Bad’ al-Amali in Arabic. Click here to download.

QREF#4: Bad’ al-Amali in English transltion. Click here to download.

QREF#5: List of Monographs in Fatawa Ridawiyyah. Click here to download.

QREF#6: Aqidatu’l Awaam Quick Reference. Click here to download.

QREF#7: List of Monographs in Fatawa Ridawiyyah (Arabic Script) Quick Reference. Click here to download.

Wash with Snow. Explanation of a hadith. Click here to download.

Quiz for children on Islam Basics. Click here to download.

Surah Statistics used in the Quran Infographic from Fayruzabadi’ Basa’ir Dhawi’th Tamyiz in Excel Format. Click here to download.